WOW! Its been a while since I last posted anything. I´ve been constantly on the move lately. So much to see and so little time. Rio was unbelievable! One of the most gorgeous big cities I have ever seen. I expected it to be a lot dirtier than it is. We flew into Rio on a red eye and were informed that we only have 2 days to do Rio. Got to our hotel and took a bit of a nap and booked ourself on the gringo tour. First on the tour was a soccer game. It was a very important intercity soccer game and so us gringos (if u can consider my black ass that) were herded over to the stadium. It was the craziest sport I´ve ever watched. It was like going to a concert coz we were dancing, jumping, screaming the entire time. We met so many locals and other gringos, drank beers and screamed our heads off. It was a riot when our team scored the final victory goal. INSANITY!
After the soccer match, we were to go to a party that nite. We were picked up at 10 pm and were to be brought back at 4 am. Me and Kirsty were really looking forward to this party coz we hadnt really met other gringos in a while. Thought it would be fun to finally dance and drink with some english speaking people. But the party was absolutely disgusting. It was such a meat market....vegas x 100!!!! Basically, the whole idea of the party was to hook up the gringos with the locals. The Brazilian women are undoubtedly very beautiful and VERY EASY. The ugliest gringo man can go up to the most gorgeous latino woman and snog her before even asking her name and its quite alright. Same with men. Beautiful men, gorgeous bods, with their shirts off, glistening with sweat, will grab u and try and kiss u before they say a single word. And why would they need to when most of the gringo women were quite happy with them sticking their tongues their throats. At the end of the party, we got a T-shirt saying `Dont be a gringo, be a local`. I think it should have read `Be a gringo, do a local`. That would´ve been more apt way to describe the party.
So, we arrived back at our hotel at about 5 am and next morning we were picked up at 9:30 for a tour of the favela. Now, this was the best part of Rio. People in the favela were super friendly, smiling, welcoming and the favela was surprisingly clean. It was a very happy place and had an amazing energy about it.
Now, that nite was the my last nite with Kirsty and I was to meet the people on my next group. There are 7 people on this tour from Rio to Buenos Aires...6 women and one man. 4 out of 6 girls are going around the world solo. I had pretty much decided to put my plans on hold for further travel. But, looks like I have a very strong indication that I am going to keep going. Every day is different. Every day I meet new people. Every day I get new ideas. Every day is new. Life is good. I do sometimes miss my family but then I call them. THe other day I called and they put me on speaker phone and it felt like I was physically there and now I feel recharged and refreshed. I am finding it hard to keep my blog going now. THere is so much going on that its hard to document...went for a long 7 hour hike, was stuck in another storm in a boat, went on a 10 hour booze cruise, was on a 21 hour bus journey, and all of this in the last four days. Wow, what an adventure. Gotta keep it going till I cant do it any more. Goodbye Brazil, hello Uruguay!!!
1 comment:
I'm a student from Brazil and I'm working on a research project about favela tours. We're now working on the tourists's perceptions about tourism in Rocinha and were wondering if you would like to participate as an interviewer. We could send you the questions (about 15) by email and would appreciate it if you could get ck to us with any suggestions you find useful.
Thank you for your attention,
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