These days I perpetually have the song `what a wonderful world` playing in my head. Last place that I visited was truly paradise on earth...a gorgeous little village called Pipa. We stayed in this gorgeous posada (hostel) in this gorgeous village. I don´t think I have adjectives to describe the beauty of this place. We arrived after travelling for 12 hours on 2 different buses. Met a guy at the first bus station who decided to take me under his wing and become my tour guide. He was a local Brazilian guy and guess he saw me with my Canadian passport in my hand. That´s it...he decided that he needed to take care of me. He started asking me where I was going and that he would book the tickets for me. Any time the bus driver would make any announcements in the bus (buses are like airplanes here...pilots talk to passengers), he would come over to my seat to translate it for me. It was quite funny when I finally told him that Camilla, my tour guide, spoke Portugese. I think he was shattered and didnt try and talk to me after that. Poor guy!!!
Since the bus ride was so long, they served us drinks. By the time the bus attendant (guess that´s what u would call him) came over to our seat, he had run out of soft drinks. So Kirsty and I decided to get hammered on the bus. It was quite funny!! This was a good way to arrive to our gorgeous destination. We got to our Posada, freshened up and headed out to find food, booze and parties!!! We found crepes, we found beer but unfortunately no parties. The reason was they stopped serving alcohol at midnite coz the next day was election day. I cant believe how big elections are in Brazil. It is mandatory for people to vote and they have a fuckin dry day the day before elections. Anyway, we met some nice local people who were gracious enough to invite us to their house for a party. But we were quite tired after the long journey and decided to call it a nite.
Next morning, me and Kirsty chilled out at the beach, drinking beer, watching surfers all day. That evening was one of my fav evenings of the whole trip. Went back to the posada after a long day at the beach and just chilled out in the hammock for hours. The guy next door to us was playing his guitar, there was such a gorgeous breeze, and I was so at peace. I didnt wanna be anywhere but there in that moment. It was one of the most peaceful and beautiful moments of my life. Next morning was even more beautiful. We went kayaking thru the mangroves! I had never been kayaking before so I was a bit scared at first but got a hang of it really fast. I had such an amazing time going thru those mangroves..it was so quiet, so peaceful!!! I had tears in my eyes when we were paddaling back. I feel like I missed out on so much in my life in the years that I spent with Rick. It is so sad when u have to give up so much of who u are for another person. But I am glad that I am back now...enjoying things that I like to do...living for myself for once.
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