Rolling...rolling...rolling down the river
Yeah...5 days on a boat full of people packed like sardines, with nothing to eat but salad and rice for lunch and dinner, I can safely say I am feeling a bit homesick and tired right now. It´s been three weeks since I have had a proper cooked meal, something that was actually on a burner and cooked and warm. All I have had is boiled eggs, omeletes, salads, bananas for food. I am craving...absolutely craving for a warm meal. But, back to the boat. Yes, we regretted the moment we got on the boat. There were about 200 people on the boat with nothing to sleep on but hammocks. We were, however, given cabins to sleep in. I´ve never felt so royal with so little in my life before. The cabin was no bigger than my bathroom at home with bunk beds and included a shower and a toilet. All that in about 5x5 sqft. area. Needless to say you could shower sitting on the toilet...literally!!!
There was absolutely nothing to do on the boat. There was a deck where there was always trashy brazilian music blaring and no one on the boat spoke english. We did, however, meet 2 english speaking travellers, one from malaysia and one from Ireland. Breakfast was served at 6 am sharp. It was a battle between hunger and sleep at that time...and usually sleep won! It´s really hard to drag urself out of bed at that ungodly hour just to stuff ur face. Anyway, after breakfast, I would find a chair and go and sit on the deck looking out at the Amazon forest. It was quite an amazing site though...just cruising down the amazon river passing by some of the world´s very remote virgin forests, ocassionaly passing thru some indian (indegionous people) villages. I was left alone with nothing but my thoughts. It´s nice to figure things out about oneself and I got a really long time to do it.
Sunsets were gorgeous followed by evening of drinking a lot of beer so u could sleep well. I did meet the boy I am going to marry when he is a little older. Awwwwww...isn´t he cute? His name is Louis Edwardo and he´s the cutest Latino I´ve met so far. Caio for now. Gotta get on the night bus to Sao Luis. Finally getting to the coast. THe next 3 weeks is all about beaches, beaches and more beaches!!! Can´t wait :)
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