My journey in India starts with a lot of noise, love, comfort, family but I venture on to Osho where I plan to take a journey inside and be still and at peace :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I am amazed at this experience of life I'm living right now....and right now is all that matters(although when I think of the future, it only excites me and takes me away from my center). After the filth I witnessed in Varanasi and after spending 4 longest hours of my life on the train station in Varanasi waiting for the ever elusive train to take me to Delhi, I was ready to right India off forever. At the train station between the hours of midnight and 4 am, I saw the worst India has to offer....the homeless children, the hungry wolf like men waiting to pounce on the homeless girls, diseased and rotting animals, huge and very well fed rats running around in the kitchen of a restaurant!!!! I couldn't understand why anyone bothers to come visit India and I really couldn't see anything spiritual and holy in all this shit.

A long train ride brought us to the city of Rishikesh. It's a quaint little city of ashrams and temples along the banks of the holy river Ganga and nestled between the holy majestic Himalayas. I can't say it was love at first sight but now I can safely say that I've hit jackpot with this city. Not a day goes by when I don't meet some random person that truly enhances my life. Rishikesh literally means city of Rishis (wise sage). All through the history of India, sages have meditated along the Ganga in this city. THe city vibrates at a different frequency. There is so much peace here in the chaos of India. I've met a beautiful woman here, who's been living with an Indian guru for over 20 years. She's a truly enlightened soul and she's really helped me open my heart. I've met a 25 year old beautiful guy here who has completely blown me away with his wisdom. Another truly enlightened soul! He's a great astrologer, the best I've ever met.

My beloved Eran, who is now called Joe, was with me on this journey. He's left for Israel a couple of days ago and I'm supposed to meet with him there in a 5 days. But this astrologer guy, Anand, has invited me to join this vedic teaching group he's holding next week. So now, looks like plans will have to be changed. This is how beautifully life is flowing for me right now. Existence keeps bringing gems into my life and I'm open to receiving it. The more I receive, the more I get. I am just awed by the beauty of life and the selflessness of this divine existence that keeps showering these gifts on me. I neither deserve them nor do I work for them, but they keep coming my way. My heart is overflowing with gratitude. THank you, thank you , thank you

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