One more sleep...
How long have I waited to go to Osho now? I think it's been atleast 2 years. Finally, set out tomorrow morning....early at 6 am. Train to Delhi and then flight to Pune and a rickshaw to the ashram. To the land of maroon! Apparently you can only wear the color maroon while you are on campus...even your bathing suit and work out clothes have to be maroon. Sounds a bit gay...but whatever I can go past the color. I know a lot of people have their reservations about Osho and call it a cult. Some people say it's a place where hippies go to do drugs and have lots of orgies. I've done enough research and so far I've found that there are two good things said for every bad thing. In the end, I have to experience it to really say what it's all about and what this experience does for me. But, for everyone who's worried that I'm gonna get caught up in a cult, all I wanna say is give me some credit. You get the experience you want from a situation. Backpacking can also be a culture of sex and booze and drugs. I did that and survived without any diseases....I guess we'll know after my AIDS test at the ashram...LOL! Yes, for the people who don't know...in order to get accepted in the ashram, everyone has to be tested for AIDS and other STD's!
Oh, by the way, finally got to see Borat, the movie yesterday. Thank God for pirated videos! Laughed so hard my tummy hurt....well worth the wait! My fav was running of the jews! OMG, no wonder he's on the hitlist of so many people.
I will try and keep up my blog updated from the ashram. I know a lot of people wanna know about the orgies there (don't worry John, I won't disappoint you). Love the personal emails from you guys. Brett, you are an inspiration as usual. Spongy, miss you so much. If your rucksack fails to fit, you know I'd love to have you in India anytime. Crazy....can't wait to see you in London. Love our chats and esp love your comments on my blog. Maharani, what can I say...you are such a riot. I miss hearing your "boice" and your hammock stories.
How long have I waited to go to Osho now? I think it's been atleast 2 years. Finally, set out tomorrow morning....early at 6 am. Train to Delhi and then flight to Pune and a rickshaw to the ashram. To the land of maroon! Apparently you can only wear the color maroon while you are on campus...even your bathing suit and work out clothes have to be maroon. Sounds a bit gay...but whatever I can go past the color. I know a lot of people have their reservations about Osho and call it a cult. Some people say it's a place where hippies go to do drugs and have lots of orgies. I've done enough research and so far I've found that there are two good things said for every bad thing. In the end, I have to experience it to really say what it's all about and what this experience does for me. But, for everyone who's worried that I'm gonna get caught up in a cult, all I wanna say is give me some credit. You get the experience you want from a situation. Backpacking can also be a culture of sex and booze and drugs. I did that and survived without any diseases....I guess we'll know after my AIDS test at the ashram...LOL! Yes, for the people who don't know...in order to get accepted in the ashram, everyone has to be tested for AIDS and other STD's!
Oh, by the way, finally got to see Borat, the movie yesterday. Thank God for pirated videos! Laughed so hard my tummy hurt....well worth the wait! My fav was running of the jews! OMG, no wonder he's on the hitlist of so many people.
I will try and keep up my blog updated from the ashram. I know a lot of people wanna know about the orgies there (don't worry John, I won't disappoint you). Love the personal emails from you guys. Brett, you are an inspiration as usual. Spongy, miss you so much. If your rucksack fails to fit, you know I'd love to have you in India anytime. Crazy....can't wait to see you in London. Love our chats and esp love your comments on my blog. Maharani, what can I say...you are such a riot. I miss hearing your "boice" and your hammock stories.
Photo: Spongy, Crazy, Laura, Larissa...I know I've been trying to entice you into coming to visit me in India. Here's yet another reason! I think all four of you are very well qualified for the job posting :)
1 comment:
I can't wait until we all get together again too. In the meantime have all the drugs and origies you want and some for me. What happens in India stays in India :-)
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