Med sea to Dead sea to Red Sea
After a lovely breakfast with Nir and Dana (Eran's lovely friends) we left our apartment on the banks of med(iterranean) sea enroute to Dead sea. Dead sea is so crazy. It is lower than sea level -400 meters. How strange is that. Also, it is the saltiest sea in the world. So, we arrived at the there

at around 6 pm. Spent the evening hanging out with one of Eran's friends house in a quibbutz by the sea. The night, we spent on a cliff looking down at the Dead sea. It was beautiful. We set up our tent, got the firing going. Eran's friend gave us a bottle of wine which we thoroughly enjoyed. It was a beautiful I will remember forever as one of the strangest places I slept in. Oh did I tell you, we were a stone's throw away from an army base? Well, it's really hard to find a secluded spot in Israel coz you can be pretty sure that the army found it as well.
Next morning, we went to a spa on the shores of the Dead Sea. I walked into the sea and it bloody swept me off my feet....literally. It's so salty that it is almost impossible to stand in it. The water is so dense that it kicks you off your feet and makes you float. And the water feels like oil ...very disgusting. But it's really good for the skin so I hung in there. After the sea, we took a mud bath and then to sulfur springs. By the end of it all, my skin was very soft, smooth and glowing. After the relaxing afternoon, we started our journey to the Red Sea.

2 hours later, through the dry, barren, beautiful desert, we arrived in Eilat on the banks of Red Sea. The city is like Vegas, with big hotels, and very touristy. I wanted to spend a night on the beach as I had never slept on the beach. So, Eran was kind enough to oblige and after spending a lovely evening exploring the city, we pitched a tent on the beach. It was yet another beautiful night, sleeping under the stars, with waves crashing literally a few feet away from you. Woke up the sun and had a lovely early morning swim in the Red Sea.

Spent some time just hanging out,

meditating, on the beach and then headed off to the Sheraton hotel. This is where we were going to spend the next night. It's nice to clean up in a nice hotel after living like vagabonds for a couple of days. The hotel was really beautiful...Vegas style...huge, with 5 swimming pools, lots of bars minus the casinos ofcourse.

The next day, we drove through the desert, checked out the beduoin villages along the way and ended up at the Desert Ashram. There is a lovely Osho ashram in the middle of the desert, surrounded on three sides by firing zones. Firing zones are areas that are used by the army for target practice.

It was the most surreal thing to see. We decided to stay a night in the ashram. This ashram is more like a commune that Osho had envisioned. About 20 people, all in their mid thirties, live in this ashram as one big family. They have one kitchen and dining hall where they take turns cooking. They have meditations during the day and also invite therapists to hold groups every so often. We were lucky enough to arrive there on a friday, which is the Sabbath friday. They prepared a special meal and before the meal, there was singing. People brought their guitars, sitars, drums and sang songs of peace and love...all the time surrounded by firing zones. Fuckin' crazy! I love these people...they are tired of all the war and shit and have created their own little piece of heaven.

So, we are back in Tel Aviv now. The sun is about to set so it will get cool enough to go for a run. I've been running along the beach any chance I get. It's really quite nice in the evening. I feel really at home here. Life is very simple and enriching. I love Eran and cherish every minute I spend with him. We have a lot of fun together. The funniest is our fights...when I am really angry at him, I yell at him in hindi and he yells back at me in Hebrew. We get all the shit out and it always makes us laugh. I love to meditate with him, I love our talks, our walks, our shooting the shit, our differences, our similarities. I still have another 3 weeks to spend with him. After that...who the hell knows !!!!
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