More adventure than we bargained for....
So, after chilling out and partying for 2 days, I was ready to feel the adrenaline rush through my body again. So, I went and booked myself for a paragliding adventure. Me, and 4 others in my group got up real early and headed out to the cliff where we were supposed to jump off of. It was about a 2 hour ride where u see nothing at all for miles. Just barren mountains and fields as far as eye can see. But then suddenly, we`d see some random person walking. Where the hell were these people coming from and where the hell were they walking to? There was nothing, literally NOTHING for miles and miles. But apparently, that`s what Bolivians do. Since they dont have any money to afford cars or even public transport, they just walk from one town to another...no matter how far they might have to walk.
So, we were driving along this paved road and suddenly we veered off onto yet another dirt path which is not really a road. This path was going to take us to the top of the mountain. And, I think this was the scariest drive ever. Nothing but a sheer cliff and an asshole of a driver, who thought it was hillarious how the gringos were getting scared. Anyway, got to the top of the mountain and had to walk through some poor village`s crops to get to the edge of the cliff. They set up their instruments for guaging the wind force and directions. Now, back home I`d seen these instruments had a bunch of dials and numbers on them. But here in Bolivia, they think a stick in the ground with some toilet paper on it does the trick. So, first up was Anthony a.k.a Raton (mouse in spanish) and he was strapped in. THe guide told him to start running when the toilet paper was flapping in his direction. And then he was off!!! It looked really scary the way he ran to the edge of the cliff. So, after watching this, I was beginning to have second thoughts about my decision. When the time came for me to jump...i was panicking! I sat by myself and thought of all the reasons I couldn`t do it...and not one made any sense. SO, i strapped myself in and when the toilet paper faced me, and my guide told me to run...i fucking ran!!! It was the weirdest feeling to keep running to the edge of the cliff when everything inside you is yelling at you to stop. And then before i knew it I was floating, rising, flying!!!! It was incredible. I felt like all the burden of fear was left on the ground and I was free like a bird! I felt like a bird, coz i couldnt see anything but the ground...couldnt see the seat i was strapped in, couldnt see the parachute, couldnt see the guide. We swooshed around for about 10 mins and then came time for landing. My guide told me to run as soon as we touched the ground...and I told him there was no way I was gonna do that. And sure enough...i landed PLOP on my ass! Apparently, as per John and Ayesha who were watching me land, I bounced a couple of times! Imagine coming down from about 2000ft and landing on ur ass! It doesnt feel good....but it was quite funny.
After me, was Sponge and then the real adventure began. After she landed, we were waiting for the asshole driver to come down the mountain and get us so we could head back to our hotel. We waited for 2 hours for the ride that should have taken only 20 mins. Raton was in the van with the driver so were really starting to get worried. We were sure that he went over the cliff or something. Now, it was 4 of us gringos and our spanish speaking guide in the middle of a tiny village with literally 10 houses, no cars, no telephones, no water. After 2 hours, we decided we had to take some action...so we started to make our way to the street. We decided to hitchike and after our guide got rejected a couple of times, I had to take over. I flagged down a construction truck and in my really broken spanish and a lot of flirty eyes I begged him to take us with him. He agreed and we hopped in the back of the truck. This was the funniest thing...every time we hit a pothole (and we hit a lot of them), a cloud of dust would arise and completely envelope us. I have never been so dusty and dirty and stinky in my life. It was a load of fun but we were still worried about Raton. But when we got back to the hotel, Raton showed up. Apparently the jeep had broken down and they had to walk down the cliff face, and hitchhike their way back to the hotel. So, then now we had a good excuse to drink!!! To celebrate our adventure. Today, I am doing absoluetly nothing...taking a day off from my vacation. Gonna catch up on my emails, read, watch tv, heal my sore ass. Just chill chill, just chill!!!
On another note, life has been really good in general. Have been reading loads, getting a lot of love from back home. Parents, family, friends are filling up my life with love. Life is a mystery, ain't it?
1 comment:
I am so jealous but at the same time proud of you!! Great Job Guava!!
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